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I love good manners. They mean more to me than a dazzling personality or stunning good looks. To me, there is a difference between having personality vs. having good character. If you are pleasant with me, I will always give you the benefit that you have both. I respond to politeness with total appreciation. I am an easy girl to get along with and don't require much to be pleased. I am not a wordy person so I only included minimal text in this part of my site just so you have the basics down. But feel free to email me with more questions you may have.


When we meet, please leave gift/donation in a visible place (i. e. vanity, table at a restaurant, etc) in a gift bag, a gift card, or my favorite, a book or magazine you think I might like within the first twenty minutes of our meeting. Of course, the customary white envelope would do just fine too. I ask that you handle the matter as sensitively as possible, as to deliberately omit any mention of currency or any other remarks that draw too much attention.

Please have impeccable hygiene. My skills will better on your level of cleanliness. And thank you for taking the time to read this section. I promise you'll experience more of me when we meet for I personally don't enjoy writing tons of content. 

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